Expert Data Miner Project

When interpreting your web statistics becomes
an easy task with the proper data mining tools


   If you invested a lot of time and money in your web site, getting the proper tools to know who are your visitors and what they do should be the next step. Many statistical packages exist on the Internet, but their quality varies greatly. Regarding log analyzers, most free packages will give you a rough picture but in general they fail to separate correctly spiders & other scripts from human visitors. Some page tagging (hosted web analytics) solutions like Google Analytics or MS AdWord Analytics are doing a better job, but page tagging systems have some intrinsic flaws:

  But hosted web analytics have also some advantages; for example GA can give you the CPC or even the age and gender of your visitors in some cases. This is why Expert Data Miner was designed to be compatible with hosted web analytics solutions. With a small modification to your server setup, you can even re-use the cookies of Google Analytics or many other packages and get them into your log files. Potential differences between the results of both systems are explained in details on this site or the help file.

In addition to the above points, Expert Data Miner offers many other advantages over page tagging systems and other log analyzers:

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